Light Dispels Darkness

Are you walking in darkness or are you feeling that darkness is overcoming you in some way?  Do you let your light shine no matter what or do you sometimes hide it because you do not think it is important enough to shine your light?

We are in some scary times and sometimes the darkness can seem overwhelming.  Are we doing all we can to keep the darkness away from us or from surrounding us?

What is the darkness that we are talking about here?  We know about darkness; we have seen it, we have felt it, but many of us have not gotten to know it so we can combat it when it seems to envelop us.  Darkness can be very scary but if we understand it, we can chase it away by letting our light shine until the darkness is dispelled.

The darkness I am eluding to is not like the darkness that comes at night or that we might find in a cave or a room with no windows. This darkness can be sinister and all consuming.  It is the kind of darkness that one cannot really see but it is real, nonetheless.  It is a darkness of the heart and soul that can lead people to do great evil and even find joy in it.  This is a much more dangerous and frightening darkness because it can cause you to do things and say things that can only be said and done in the darkness of night.  Light cannot abide where this kind of darkness dwells but there are those whose hearts are being prepped to accept these deeds of darkness as good and necessary.

When these people come among us, if we do not have our light shining brightly all around us, they will be able to influence us and if we are not careful, we may find ourselves part of that darkness.

This was not meant to scare anyone but maybe that is okay because sometimes we need to be scared so that we will pay attention to what is happening right around us.  These are scary times and whether we want to believe it or not, there is evil being stirred and hailed as good.  “Wo unto those who call good evil and evil good.” 

God has warned us through the prophets and the scriptures about this kind of evil; the evil that robs men and women of their souls and takes them down to an awful place where they will never have peace and their suffering will be eternal.

Do you now understand what this darkness is and what it can do to you and to mankind?  This darkness is a destroyer of everything good and decent and we need to stand as far away from it as we can.  But what can we do when we start to feel this kind of darkness entering our hearts?  Is it too late?  No, it is not too late; it is only too late when you do not pay attention and let it become a part of you.  You might still be able to escape it but by that time, it is a tough fight and you better be stronger than it is.

We need to find light because darkness cannot find its way in the light; it cannot exist when light prevails. There are different ways we can find or bring light into our lives when darkness seems to surround us.  Some people find comfort and solace in the words of a poem, hymn, song, a quote from a book or the kindness and compassion of others.  These things can lead us to light that we thought was gone or maybe did not exist for us

By now you are wondering how you find the kind of light that can fight that kind of darkness.  The answer has been before man since the beginning of time.  We need to find light to fight this darkness and we do not need to look far to find it.  Where?  It is a thing called scriptures.

You know what the scriptures are, right?  So where in the scriptures can you find the light you need to fight the darkness of evil? In a search of the scriptures you will find great light, not only in the words of the prophets but in the words given by God, Himself and His Son Jesus Christ.  Their light can shine forth in the deepest darkness that might seek to overcome us.  Jesus said, “I am the light and life of the world.”

The light comes not from just reading their words but from living their words.  Anyone can read their words but unless they can make a covenant with God to live by those words, they have no effect.  So what that means is you can have that overpowering light that is found in the scriptures and be able to fight the darkness and win if you are willing to make a commitment to God to obey and live His commandments.  It is not a hard thing to do, but it takes determination and a willingness to follow the Lord and make Him a permanent part of your daily life.

You know you are living that kind of life when you can turn away from evil in any form and choose the better part.  Are you trying to find your way in the darkness of evil that seems to permeate our world these days?  God gave us the scriptures to prepare us for such times as these that we might rise above the dark things of the world and let His light shine within us.  He did this, not only to shed His light on us but so that we might bring that same light to others who have lost their way in the darkness. 

If you have not gone to the scriptures, read the words of hope and embraced the light that they offer you through their sacred words, then perhaps it is time.  It is never too late unless you wait until the darkness has consumed you. 

We are living in perilous times but when we walk in the light of God’s love and the light that Jesus brings to us through His divine Atonement and Resurrection, we can overcome the darkness.  We need not live in fear if we keep their light shining brightly before us.

Have you ever noticed that a lit candle never casts a shadow? Shadows are dark; light overcomes darkness, always. Let us shine our light in the darkness. Can you imagine the light in the world if all of us would shine the light within us that comes from a living and loving God and His Son Jesus Christ?

Matthew 5: 14-16

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